Leadership Training and Transformational Thinking Program
& Another Way To Go Program
Our programs transform the way participants see their lives, and what is possible for them. LTTT transforms the way participants think and view their lives.
AWTG is based on the notion of the tabula rasa, or blank slate, which states that all humans are born a blank slate, and it is our experiences, thoughts, history etc – our past – that gives us our personality and our view of life. We cannot change our past, but we can change the way we interpret it.
Participants learn to put past interpretations aside, which frees them from the chains of their past, and allows for a whole new life, based on what they really care about, not what they ended up with.
Once participants create a new context for living their lives while in prison and for when they are released they identify something that is missing in prison for themselves and other inmates, such as respect, partnership, and teamwork, and then design a project that will bring this attribute into their environment.
Projects have included:
Teaching others to read
Teaching job interview skills
Re-uniting families
Changing laws on incarceration
Some projects last a few months while others are so well received and needed that they last many years.